Me holding a sleeping cat

Here’s how happy I am when a cat falls asleep in my arms

Hello! My name’s Blake McMeekin. I’m a designer and engineer, and I code Analytics & AI systems.

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Here are some projects I’ve done that I think are the most interesting:

Here are some data and ML/AI projects I can share:

In this project I analyzed machine learning communities on Twitter with three different natural-language processing strategies, and then use six different machine learning systems to see how much you can predict which tweets and topics are most likely to go viral

In this project I built a machine vision system using deep learning techniques to detect pneumonia in children’s x-rays

In this project I looked at large amounts of real-estate data in Seattle to identify key predictors of home value, and then use a linear-regression algorithm to identify homes that may be undervalued in the market & plot them on a map

Experiments in making AI tools that friends and family actually use

This project uses Large Language Models to describe and tag our internet browsing sessions, and then outputs them into a “network” notetaking software called Obsidian.

In this quick project I turn whitepaper abstracts into document embeddings to see how much they predict research impact

In this project I used machine learning systems to interpret data from the Taiwan stock exchange to predict companies which are at risk of bankruptcy. This system could also be used to flag specific financial indicators that might lead a company to bankruptcy

Criticality in Networks

Phase-changes, self-organization, & sensitivity to initial conditions

Feedback, Circular-Causality, and Graph Bundling

Edge-of-chaos & Criticality

Graph Bundling

Fitness Landscapes & Hill Climbing

Growing products using simulations of natural systems

Studying these organizational dynamics are what led to the creation of this website and design company, Alterity, as these organizational dynamics can continuously create unique things using creative processes closer to what we find in nature.

An unexpected side-effect of this research has been a number of consulting conversations with business owners about business systems, incentive structures, marketing strategy, and product direction. This has supported successful product lines, fundraising, business models, and companies. I love these consulting conversations, and I’m always open to new ones.