
I’ve had the pleasure of a fairly busy and generalized career, doing everything from setting up and managing 3D printing, optics, metal & electronics prototyping labs, designing consumer products, consulting, and even working as a personal researcher for executives. If you value a blend of artistry and technical proficiency, innovative techniques, and a diverse technical background, you may be interested in collaborating!

Design, Engineering, and Fabrication:

Click these to learn more:

Custom Jewelry

Topographic Maps

Custom Gifts

CAD & Engineering Services


Fabrication and Prototyping

Analytics, Programming, and Machine Learning:

While this website is largely centered around my design work, I should also mention the few years I spent working with analytics & machine learning. If you’re needing analytics work, contact me!

Click these to learn more:

Analyzing machine learning communities on Twitter with three different natural-language processing strategies, and then using six different machine learning algorithms to see how much you can predict which tweets and topics are most likely to go viral

Building a machine vision system using deep learning techniques to detect pneumonia in children’s x-rays

Looking at large amounts of real-estate data in Seattle to identify key predictors of home value, and then use a linear-regression algorithm to identify homes that may be undervalued in the market & plot them on a map

Experiments in making AI tools that friends and family actually use

Visualize your web-browsing history as a network of connected topics and websites. An AI pipeline (using LLMs) describes your internet browsing sessions and feed these descriptions into a graph-based notetaking software called Obsidian.

Turning whitepaper abstracts into document embeddings to see how much explanatory power they have to predict research impact

Using machine learning systems to interpret data from the Taiwan stock exchange to identify or predict companies which are at risk of bankruptcy.