Nature is already beautiful
When I make things I think it’s important to ‘get out of the way’ and let the beauty of nature speak for itself. Organic things are often complex, so I believe in using advanced simulation and fabrication tools to better reflect and appreciate the natural forms around us.
I believe in uniting the ancient and the modern
Humans have never been more disconnected from the natural world. Most of our time is spent in air-conditioned boxes looking at screens. I think on a basic level we still belong to the environments we evolved for eons to inhabit, so I try to make things that bring this sense of connection back into our modern lives.
Our most treasured things shouldn’t be mass produced
It seems wrong that there might be a thousand copies of our most precious heirlooms - this is the sad reality when we buy from many large jewelers today. To help make our things more soulful and unique I create new design software and custom pieces and commissions.
What’s Alterity.Design?
Here’s me in a lovely sweater holding a sleeping cat
Hello! I’m a designer and engineer making Custom Jewelry, Lighting, and Woodworking. I also handle technical services like product development, drafting, and fabrication, all from my home workshop in Bellingham, Washington. I’ve been a designer and engineer for about a decade.
Alterity is a project that set out to connect natural systems to modern tools. That means learning about nature, simulating it with computational models, and laser-cutting, casting, milling, or 3D printing the results. Anything on this website that says “Generative” means that some part is designed by an algorithmic simulation of nature, making every piece unique.
I sell things in the shop, offer design and fabrication services, take pictures, and work on custom projects and commissions. You can read more about my services here!
Building a scanning hyperspectral microscope
How to introduce your family to 3D printing
My Favorite Woodworking Techniques
Projection Microscopes (Free Download!)